Saturday, October 1, 2016

First Trimester

On October 1, 2016 mommy sent daddy a few pictures of a positive pregnancy test, to let him know that you were coming. He was at Primary Children's hospital for school. We had been waiting for you for quite some time, so mommy couldn't wait a minute longer to tell daddy the wonderful news. Mommy wept tears of joy at the thought of your arrival. Daddy couldn't make out the pictures, because his phone wasn't very advanced at the time, so he showed the nurse he was with and asked her, "She wouldn't send me a pregnancy test if she wasn't pregnant, right?"

On October 21, 2016 we heard your heartbeat for the first time. Nothing can prepare you for that moment, where you realize that this little one has been trusted to your care, and you’re responsible for another human being. You would be coming our way in a few short months. Mommy and daddy were so excited, and relieved, to hear that fast little heartbeat and see that everything indicated that you were doing great!

Your expected day of arrival was May 30, 2017.

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