Saturday, June 24, 2017

Father's and Fishing

June 15, 2017 Daddy took you on your first fishing outing. This will always be something that daddy enjoys to do with you, and I'm almost certain you enjoyed it as well.

June 17, was daddy's first official Father's Day.  Mommy got you a onesie that said, "I'm your Father's Day Gift! Mom says You're Welcome!" She thought she was pretty funny. You can't seem to get enough of your dad. You stare so intently at him, and look for him as soon as he walks in the door. You sure love and adore your daddy! We're both so grateful he's ours!!

06/24 Daddy's sporting his birthday gift with his baby girl. He sure loves his mini me! You're killin' me Smalls, and Smalls. You were very hangry in this picture, but it fit rather well.

You're Killin' Me Smalls


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jennifer Ann Photography Photo Shoot

My old friend from the singles ward, volunteered to take some pictures of you for free, to build up her portfolio.  I was so grateful for her work and that we were able to get some fun shots of you.

Most Zen baby around

"That loyal dastardly octopus"-Mommy's friend Hailey

Hangry cry

Tugging on your hair, deep in thought, with your loyal dastardly octopus pal

Fresh Soul Photography

Aunt Rebecca had a neighbor that takes really beautiful pictures of newborns so we signed up as soon as you were home, so she could capture those beautiful moments that mommy and daddy never wanted to forget.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Home at Last

What an amazing journey we have been on these last 6 weeks! You came home with an apnea monitor that had two leads and then wrapped around your chest. Anytime the leads came unplugged it would alarm with a deafening beep.  It got my heart racing quite a few times. Boy was I happy when we got to take that machine back.

06/06 Our darling pineapple. You ARE a little sweetie! There's your cord sticking out too.

06/09 You only cry when your hangry. Can see the blue band under your onesie?
Everyone commented on how much you looked like daddy. All of your nurses would say she sure looks like her daddy. You even had a space between your first two toes like him. Every once in a while mommy could see herself, and it made her happy when someone said that you looked like me because that didn't happen very often.

One of the most panic inducing moments was going to bed with you in the cradle next to me. I would wake up in a panic, and have to check that you were breathing. Daddy would wake up in a panic because we didn't tell the nurses how much you ate. Daddy was meant to be a nurse.

You were only allowed to have a few visitors in the NICU, so the babies would have a decreased risk for infection. Your parents, Grandpa Ransford (and Nicu your guard dog), Grandma Dayna, Aunt Ann, Aunt Rebecca, Nana, and Uncle Seth were the first ones to see you.

On our way home we stopped by to see your great-grandma Evelyn. She always refers to you as "our baby", because she loves you so much. Once we got home you had a few more visitors. A lot of the family would watch you on NICVIEW, so they felt connected to you and your story.

Blessing Day

On August 6, 2017 you were given a name and a blessing at church. We are so grateful for you. You are our little angel. You bring so much jo...