Sunday, April 23, 2017

More About Your Arrival

Daddy and mommy were at St Mark's for another doctor's appointment the Friday before you were born, and you could feel the concern of the doctors rising. They wanted us to check into a hospital and do some overnight tests. They let us know that we would probably want to choose a hospital we felt comfortable delivering in, so we went to Timpanogos hospital, because daddy worked there at one point, they were closer to home, and they had a NICU (we didn't want to be separated from you for one moment). I was feeling oddly at peace, because heaven felt extremely close.

After consulting with the doctors we decided that it would be best for both of us if mom delivered you via cesarean section, because mom had preeclampsia. They had to give me Magnesium to make it so I didn't have seizures. It made me so hot that I felt like I was standing above flowing lava at Mount Doom. Becky our nurse, was so sweet! She would get wash cloths wet, spin them around in circles to cool them off, then put them on my forehead. She also covered me with ice packs, and turned the thermostat down as low as it could go.

Mommy was rolled back to surgery, got a spinal block (after two tries), and then daddy got to join her and he watched the whole thing. The doctors kept pushing down really hard on mom’s stomach, and decided they would need forceps or a vacuum to get you out. Luckily, he gave it one more try and your perfect little head popped right out. Then came the part where my breath caught as I waited to hear you take your first breath. Time slowed down as I waited, and I started to get anxious. Then it came! Your banshee cry pierced my heart and tears started rolling down my cheeks. You made it! You were here!

Daddy was right there by you, as they checked your vitals. You were a warrior! You were breathing on your own, but they were a little concerned, and knew you would need some oxygen. They wrapped you up and brought you over to me so our cheeks could touch, providing skin to skin contact, which was very healing for mommy. I listened to your soft cries as you told me all about your traumatic experience thus far, and I did my very best to calm you and let you know of my deep love for you. Our precious little one was here, and we were elated!

Your Arrival

Your given name: Evangeline Virginia Sorensen

Weight: 5 perfect pounds
Height: 18 inches precisely
Time of arrival: 12:14 pm
Hospital where you were born: Timpanogos Regional Hospital

Blessing Day

On August 6, 2017 you were given a name and a blessing at church. We are so grateful for you. You are our little angel. You bring so much jo...