Friday, March 17, 2017

Funny Story

Mommy wasn't doing so well keeping food down, and daddy did everything he could to keep us fed. He would say to mommy, “Tell me anything you want, and I mean ANYTHING, and I'll make it for you." Mommy usually settled for eggs and toast, but one day all she wanted was a corn dog from Hot Dog on a Stick. It was an intense feeling, using my imagination I could sense how good it would smell and taste. My mind was set; I would love nothing more than that corn dog. 

Daddy drove us to the mall, and my excitement started to build. We were almost there! We arrived, only to find a note that said something about them being "sorry" about not being there. You can imagine my disappointment. I was crushed. I thought, we’ll just have to wait. We were informed that the employees randomly leave and don't usually come back for quite a while. I lost it! The tears started to stream down my face, I don't remember ever feeling a disappointment like that. 

Daddy drove us home and decided he would do whatever he could to fill this void mommy was feeling. Mom put up her swollen feet and daddy ran to the store. Daddy prepared us the most delicious corn dogs and cheese on a stick you can imagine, from scratch! They were incredible! They fulfilled my every desire, and became one of my favorite meals. Daddy sure delivered! Never have I witnessed a love like his. Daddy loves us! So much!!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Third Trimester

One bonus of being a type 1 diabetic when pregnant is you don't have to do the glucose test, and you get lots of ultrasounds to check in on your little one. Mommy saw lots of doctors and would drive an hour to St Mark's hospital to meet with diabetic specialists to check that we were both doing well.

Never have I worked so hard to keep my blood sugars regulated, as I have when you were inside of me. Every high and every low devastated me, and made me anxious for you. It was incredibly difficult, but YOU are oh so worth it! Daddy was working right alongside me every step of the way. He would test my blood sugar, pullover so I could vomit, make meals, help at school, and attend hypnobirthing classes with me, because that's what I wanted. One moment that will forever stand out to me is when, I told him I was worried I wasn't eating enough healthy foods, because it took too long to prepare or I couldn't find anything appetizing. I was feeling overwhelmed. Daddy stepped in and saved the day. Not only did he carefully prepare a variety of healthy snacks, but he wrote down how many carbs were in each portion on a piece of tape, so I wouldn't have to worry about that aspect either. I was now overwhelmed with love and gratitude that this man was your father. I pray that you can one day find a love as true as that.

You seemed to me to be constantly on the move. Rolling, hiccuping, pushing, and thrusting, over and over again. The only thing I could find to help you settle down was when daddy put his hand on my belly. We would be driving down the road and I'd be sucking on my ginger treats feeling rather ill, so I'd grab your dad's hand and place it on top of you. You would immediately calm, and I wouldn't feel so nauseated. I could feel this sense of love shooting from you to him. It was incredible!

Blessing Day

On August 6, 2017 you were given a name and a blessing at church. We are so grateful for you. You are our little angel. You bring so much jo...