Friday, December 30, 2016

Second Trimester

Mommy knew you were going to be a little girl before she was even pregnant. While driving in the car with daddy, the summer before you came mommy said if we are having a girl I'd like to name her Evangeline. Daddy asked what I thought your middle name should be. I told him I'm not sure. He said, "How about Virginia?" I felt a wave of comfort come over me, and I knew that Evangeline Virginia was to be your name.

Our girl was a "mover and a shaker" from the moment she was conceived. The technician used that exact phrase, "mover and a shaker", while she was trying to get a good picture from your ultrasound and you wouldn't hold still. She was really young and that wasn't a phrase I thought she would say, so it shocked me a little. That's something your great-grandmother Virginia used to say, so I knew she was there. 

As I worked in the temple, with you inside me, I sensed that you seemed to have a special connection to Mother Eve, so I thought Evangeline was a beautiful way to honor that relationship. Grandma Evelyn was a mother figure to daddy, and we wanted to honor her. Aunt Angela was another inspiration for your name because she was always a beautiful mother figure for me.

Mommy went to lunch with her sisters and told them that she was pregnant with you, aunt Ann already knew because I asked her for some advice on the healthiest supplements to use. We told your grandparents your gender by giving them scratch off cards that the doctor gave us on December 19th, and we told the Facebook world by posting a picture of your first outfit. We received an outpouring of love and congratulations from everyone. We all knew you were going to be a special little miracle in all of our lives. 

Blessing Day

On August 6, 2017 you were given a name and a blessing at church. We are so grateful for you. You are our little angel. You bring so much jo...